A Foodbloggers Meme around the World

By Staximo - aprile 01, 2006

Zorra (situated in Andalucia, Spain) tagged me for this meme that is "travelling" around the world!

1. Please list three recipes you have recently bookmarked from foodblogs to try

Stuffed, Braised Pork Shoulder Recipe


Mousse crousti passion, encore et toujours du chocolat

2. A foodblog in your vicinity


3. A foodblog located far from you

Esurientes Melbourne, Australia.

4. A foodblog (or several) you have discovered recently (where did you find it?) Lucullian delights from.... I don't remember
lavblog from Cioccapiatti

5. Any people or bloggers you want to tag with this meme?

Lucia of Cioccapiatti
Cannella of La Zuccheriera

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