To celebrate Saint patrik's Day together with Zorra and other FoodBlogger I've decided to mix the two suggestions that Zorra wrote in the "Invite to partecipate": Cook/bake somthing green or Irish.
I've taken the recipe of Irish Soda bread published a few days ago by Elise and I've added something green! :o)

Green Irish Soda Bread
640g Flour
Cook spinach adding 200ml of water and a pinch of salt. Put the spinach in a colander to drain, preserve the cooking water and let cool.
40g Sugar
90g Butter
80g Raisins
40g Pine Nuts
125g fresh Spinach (already cleaned and washed)
240ml spinach cooking water
50ml Liquor (I used Strega... it cuold be sobstitute with Rhum)
5g Salt (1 tsp) + 1 pinch
1 tsp Baking Soda
1 Egg
In a large mixing bowl shift together flour, sugar, salt and backing soda and mix well with a whisk. Then add raisins and pine nuts.
Pre-heat oven to 180°C.
In a measuring glass put together the spinach, the egg, the melted butter, the spinach cooking water and the liquor. Using an immertion blender mix the ingredients until the spinach dissolve.
Make a well in the center of the flour mixture. Add the liquid ingredients and mix with a wooden spoon. Dust hands with flour, then knead dough in the bowl just long enough to form a ball. Do not overknead.
Transfer dough to a baking sheet covered with parchment paper. Using a knife, score top of dough in an "X" shape.
Transfer to oven. Bake until bread is golden brown, about 35-40 minutes.
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